Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hybrid Ultrafiltration Floor Water Cooler

!9#: Hybrid Ultrafiltration Floor Water Cooler

Brand : Crystal Quest | Rate : | Price : $610.00
Post Date : Jan 30, 2012 02:51:10 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Floor Hybrid UltraFiltration Bottleless Water Cooler, no bottles to replace! Connects to cold water line for continuous water supply. Water travels through a 4-stage water filter to remove most contaminants and produce crystal clear, fresh and tasty water.The following contaminants are removed: * Stage 1 - sediment filter cartridge to remove 99.99% of microbiological cysts, cryptosporidium and giardia.* Stage 2 - granulated activated carbon (GAC) cartridge, an effective absorbent for a wide variety of organic contaminants, such as chlorine (removes 99.9%), chemicals linked to cancer (THMs, benzine), pesticides, herbicides, incesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), PCBs, MTBEs and many others. Also removes bad taste and odor.* Stage 3 - Ultrafiltratoin membrane that removes synthetic organic compounds (appr. 0.0001 to 0.005 micron in size), bacteria, viruses, colloid, parasites. Also removes water hardness and saults.* Stage 4 - A multi-stage water filter that includes 1 micron sediment filters, KDF, GAC and ion exchange resinBottleless floor water cooler features: High grade stainless steel cold and hot vessel, fully assembled, easy access to all controls and filter cartridges, incldes all connection hardware, automatic tank full control.Hot water tank temperature: 185°F.Hot water tank volume: 0.5 gallon.Cold water tank volume: 0.4 gallon.Heating capacity: 1.5 gallons per hour. Cooling capacity: 1 gallon per hour. Manufacturer's warranty: 1 year for the complete system, not including replaceable filter media, 3 years warranty on compressor.

  • Multi-stage water filtration system
  • Just connect to cold water line
  • Filters are included and pre-installed
  • Fully assembled, installation hardware included

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